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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Exclusive membership benefits and support networks A strong community of voluntary organisations of all,sizes Shape the future of the voluntary sector in Scotland Membership-exclusive events We regularly,Providing free counselling, support groups, workshops, complementary therapies and befriending.,All the services provided by our charity are free and are continually evolving, developing to meet the,Therefore, our biggest challenge now is meeting the demands on our free wellbeing services.

You're a charity! What next?

Confirming your charitable status is a big landmark, but it's not where your journey ends. Here we'll talk you through what you need to do next, and outline how SCVO can help.

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

We're delighted that 2022/23 has been our biggest ever year for membership growth!,running an organisation to meet the ever-growing demand for services. 2022/23 also saw the launch of exclusive,legal service with partners 20 tax and VAT referrals Payroll SCVO’s payroll service team continued to,9,500 learning hours 4,253 people registered Connecting Scotland With social isolation and digital exclusion,In 2022 we also began evaluating phase two of the programme to understand the impact and benefits for

Wonka farce CEO faces questions over background checks at charity

Billy Coull and the Gowanbank Community Hub in Pollok left their Disclosure application incomplete despite running a sexual health and trauma clinic.

SCVO consultation response to the Scottish Government's Resource Spending Review

Our response As the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector, our priority is to see,Digital inclusion The voluntary sector is working tirelessly to tackle digital exclusion to help us balance,services to the private sector, such as mental health support for employees and debt and financial advice,highlighted many times, a predictable income would enable voluntary organisations to: plan services and free,About us The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation

SCVO response to Barclay Review of Business Rates in Scotland

Service-providing organisations which rely on accessible premises to fill their vital role, such as foodbanks and advice,If charities meet the legal criteria necessary for charity registration, they would have equal access,In some ways, discretionary rate relief criteria focused on exclusive local area provision also inhibit,base and ensure sufficient income for local services as well as preventing land being used as a tax-free,only inclusive representative umbrella organisation for the sector SCVO: has the largest Scotland-wide membership

Charities and the purchase or lease of property

Careful legal drafting in the wording of a lease could become critical in allowing a charity to keep,It may be possible to benefit from discounted rates if the charity can show a ‘community benefit’.,If a property is only required for a short period of time on a non-exclusive basis, a licence to occupy,Gillespie Macandrew are part of the SCVO Pro Bono Service which gives up to two hours free legal advice,If you have any questions about property, or any other legal matters, get in touch.